703 Old Shore Rd, 2nd Floor - Forked River , NJ 08731

Licensed Operations

Licensed Operator Offering Environmental Services

Turn to your locally family-owned business at Hughes Environmental Services. Offering NJ DEP Licensed operators, operations & maintenance services. We have over 43 years of experience in this field and are certified in New Jersey and New York. Call us for a FREE estimate.

A Licensed Operator is the individual approved by the DEP holding any local title, designation, or job description who is on-site at a system a significant amount of time, although not necessarily full time, and who has active involvement in and is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and effectiveness of the system, and who holds a license equal to or higher than that required for the system. Applicable systems include:

  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment System (N License)
  • Public Wastewater Collection System (C License )
  • Public Wastewater Treatment System (S License)
  • Public Water Distribution System (W License)
  • Public Water Treatment System (T License)
  • Very Small Water System (VSWS License)
  • Water & Waste Water licensed operators providing operations and maintenance
  • Waste Water Treatment- S licensed, C licensed & N licensed
  • Water Treatment – T licensed, W licensed & VSWS licensed
  • Provide clean water to public
  • Communities, and Townships

Eligibility for a Licensed Operator in New Jersey requires a combination of experience, educational course prerequisites, and passing an exam. Maintaining a license requires completion of continuing education every three-year recertification period or successful retesting. These processes are managed by the DEP with expert guidance from the Board of Examiners and the Advisory Committee on Water Supply and Wastewater Licensed Operator Training.

Why Do I Need a Licensed Operator?

Water treatment plant and system operators run the equipment, control the processes and monitor the facilities that treat the water to make it safe to drink.

Wastewater collection licensed operators remove pollution from domestic and industrial waste. Licensed operators also keep the transmission of wastewater flowing without overflows or discharge to NJ State waterways.